Emily Arenberg

In 2015, Emily Arenberg graduated from Marymount University, majoring in Studio Art with a concentration in painting and a minor in Art History. During her tenure at Marymount, she immersed herself in oils and watercolors, harboring a persistent desire to discover a medium that seamlessly blended the opulence of oils with the fluidity of watercolors.
Following graduation, Emily relocated to San Diego, California, where she embarked on an artistic journey experimenting with epoxy resin. Enchanted by its ability to fuse the rich colors and texture of oils with the flowing nature of watercolors, she incorporated this medium into her repertoire alongside oils and watercolors, gaining notable recognition for her resin work.
Currently residing in her hometown of Cape May, NJ, Emily has dedicated over two years to a flourishing full-time artistic career. Inspired by the ocean and coastal living, her partner, a commercial fisherman, brings home oceanic treasures that often find a place in her creations.